Tutoring vs Brain Training


Whats the Difference?

Tutoring delivers information. Brain Training improves brain performance. The majority of learning struggles do not occur because information was presented poorly and needs to be re-taught. In fact, studies show that 80% of all learning struggles occur as a result of weak cognitive skills. Weak cognitive skills make learning difficult regardless of how many times that information is taught or re-taught. This is why, if a student struggled to grasp and process the information the first time it was taught, simply re-teaching that information again using a tutor is not a permanent solution. In other words, while tutoring may get a child through a project or class, if weak cognitive skills aren’t strengthened, learning will continue to be a struggle.

Brain Training Addresses the Cause of Learning Struggles

At The Brain and Learning, we identify the weak cognitive skills causing the struggle, and then we target and strengthen those skills. Stronger brain skills make grasping and processing information easier than before and often eliminate the need for tutoring.

Signs that your child could benefit from The Brain and Learning training include the following:

  • Your child is still struggling in subjects for which he/she has already received tutoring
  • Your child gets frustrated from hours of homework
  • Your child has struggled for more than one school year with grades, homework or class assignments
  • Your child complains about feeling stupid, or thinks he/she isn’t as smart as other kids
  • Your child seems to have to work longer than peers to get good grades
  • Your child is having a difficult time keeping up in more than one class

Three things The Brain and Learning Does That Tutoring Doesn’t

Treats the Root Cause: It strengthens the weak skills that researchers say are behind the majority of learning and reading struggles. In fact, 8 out of 10 students who struggle in school do so because of weak cognitive skills.

Provides Transferable Gains:  is an alternative to paying for tutoring year after year. That’s because doing The Brain and Learning Brain Training now will improve how the brain performs in every topic and class for years to come.

Literally Changes How the Brain Performs: New studies are continually being released proving that intense mental exercise creates changes in the brain for improved performance. The Brain and Learning delivers intense mental exercise two ways for maximum results.

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